Fourthly, the wages of labour vary accordingly to the small or great trust which must be reposed in the workmen.
Did wages before industrialization vary much from year to year, or was an unvarying 'customary' wage more usual?
Mr. Nahata pays his workers by the piece, so their wages vary widely.
Lost wages vary too much from victim to victim to calculate reliably, but medical costs are more constant.
On the other hand, if both agent and employees are risk-averse, there is risk-sharing: employees' wages vary, being greater in good times.
Monthly wages varied from $70.80 for day laborers, but about 100 men made over $140 per month.
In spite of the technological developments across these societies, the daily wage hardly varied.
This demonstrates to me that the wages of sin vary a whole lot.
The wages varied on the work.
Salary surveys routinely find that wages vary 20 percent or more in the same occupation and geographic area.