The wage reductions, and other concessions, would be intended to prevent job losses.
Having already seen downsizing this spring, the industry faces another round of wage reductions and layoffs.
Let us assume that insiders are now willing to accept a real wage reduction so as to protect their jobs.
Mortgage rates have never been lower, people are having to accept 0% pay increases and, in many cases a wage reduction.
Employers often resort to layoffs rather than implement wage reductions.
Further wage reductions were made in 1923, and 1925, which again outraged members.
He said it was unfair to expect Volkswagen's current workers to accept wage reductions, which would lower their living standards.
Once dislocated workers obtain a new job, they suffer significant wage reductions.
Pan Am has been seeking about $90 million in wage reductions from its flight attendants.
This led to a national economic depression and massive wage reductions for many of Iraq's workers.