Oh, the English and their wacky sense of humor!
He said this with a laugh, just to show what a wacky sense of humor he had.
He can smile, and he's got that same wacky sense of humor Zay has.
He is famous for his wacky sense of humor and overall very eccentric personality.
Martin's wacky sense of humor was an added element at shows, with Martin often telling sophomoric one-liners between songs.
If you think about it long enough, though, it begins to make a sort of wacky sense.
They discovered they had an equally wacky sense of humour and quickly became best friends.
But they have in common a deep generosity, a thoughtfulness toward others and a wacky sense of humor.
Iwerks was known for his fast work at drawing and animation and his wacky sense of humor.
We can thank Columbus and his wacky sense of direction for that.