This removed from Woolwich to a less vulnerable site in Shropshire a range of critical items.
Another major issue for many window systems is that they can be potentially vulnerable sites of excessive thermal gain or heat loss.
Doubtless the bright and broken coloration of these bats is a form of camouflage to protect them while they roost in vulnerable sites.
According to some, "This is a team of officers who are constantly updating our contingency plans in relation to vulnerable sites in the Borough".
But the anti-abortion forces may also look for more vulnerable sites.
This is a reminder of how hard it is to keep vulnerable sites safe from aerial attack.
Yet houses are still being erected today at vulnerable sites around Vesuvius, in the face of the geological inevitability of further eruptions.
Its failure was quickly followed by widespread predictions of a further winnowing of financially vulnerable sites.
Development of mitigation guidance for vulnerable sites.
Mutations have been found on Phe317 so that is a potential vulnerable site for this drug.