The excess, though vulgar, had yet a certain air of sincerity; this was not bought taste; good and gaudy were one man's choice.
The vulgar excesses of the time period and the delicacy of Mr. Lee's direction form a haunting combination.
The country's artistic riches are not just vulgar excess, as in certain American cultural centers thrown up with much local boosterism but a lamentable lack of actual art.
This is precisely what concerns her critics, who worry that tentative economic and political reforms will do little to transform Serbia if popular culture remains stuck in the vulgar excesses of the 1990's.
It is a plea against gigantism in our cities, against the rampant, vulgar excess of huge towers everywhere.
This is not a sexist issue, since custom ordains the same, boring black penguin suits for men, giving them less latitude, with no credit to them, for vulgar excess.
The $100-a-bottle wine, once an example of vulgar excess, is now an everyday occurrence.
Burger King, an XFL advertiser, decided not to buy time on the W.W.F.'s "Smackdown" program on UPN because of its vulgar excesses.
If this freed Kykuit from the vulgar excesses of Newport and Fifth Avenue, it also gave the estate more than a whiff of dry formality.
Maybe a little vulgar excess is just what classical music needs.