This latest voucher proposal would provide up to $1,000 that low- and middle-income families could spend at private schools or even another public school.
At this point, he has even cut his own ill-conceived voucher proposal - a tax credit that could be used for private schools.
The suit says more than 50 private schools are willing to offer 4,000 places for black pupils under the voucher proposal.
Although court challenges are legion, voucher proposals are being prepared in about half of the nation's 50 states.
The voucher proposal was cut from his education bill because it lacked majority support, he added.
His first voucher proposal failed, as did his second and third.
Both voucher proposals would probably face stiff opposition in Congress.
However, my voucher proposal does not seek to do this.
Thirteen states are debating a similar plan, and Colorado has a voucher proposal on the November ballot.
The Senate did not vote on the voucher proposal, stripping it from another education bill.