The voucher holders, who also hold a gold card, will be queueing up at Roker Park for their tickets throughout this week.
Never mind that 57 percent of voucher holders are in the work force, and 39 percent are poor elderly and disabled people.
The discrimination against voucher holders is a general problem.
Because of discrimination against voucher holders, many subsidy recipients can only find housing in neighborhoods where they already are in the racial majority.
Unfortunately the card slipped out of its voucher holder and is presumably now lost.
The voucher holders could then invest their vouchers, increasing the capital base of the chosen company, and creating a nation of citizen share-holders.
"We would, therefore, be extremely concerned about any owner with a history of discriminating against voucher holders acquiring Starrett City."
The need is so great that families often wait years for vouchers, which become available when voucher holders die or become ineligible after getting better jobs.
Once they master the instructions, voucher holders will turn to the daunting task of figuring out which shares are worth buying.
The upshot is that ordinary voucher holders will be bidding blind.