It is also leading the effort to develop effective methodologies for observing elections that employ new electronic voting technologies.
For the country as a whole, the voting technology used in the 2004 election breaks down as follows:
I would like to propose that on the 2001 tax returns, this space be used for Americans to designate $3 for new voting technology.
This was the first voting technology commercialized in the United States.
Florida voters cast their ballots in a patchwork of different voting technologies.
But the Legislature stopped short of making the state's voting technology uniform statewide.
Perhaps the only unchallenged result of the Florida election has been a surge of interest in better voting technology.
Concerned citizens have been warning that new electronic voting technology being rolled out nationwide can be used to steal elections.
The best voting technology now available uses optical scanning.
There must be an activation code tucked in the normal voting technology.