Dodgson proposed this voting scheme in his 1876 work "A method of taking votes on more than two issues".
Once again the players were selected through a voting scheme which over 40,000 fans polled their selections over the two online voting stages.
For such cases, she has proposed several alternative voting schemes to enlarge the influence of black lawmakers.
The government, Justice Souter said, would be forced to approve "unconstitutional voting schemes patently intended to perpetuate discrimination."
These devices included at-large voting schemes, multimember districts and racial gerrymandering of district lines to favor whites.
Today, Mr. Banzhaf says that his method, while better than strictly proportional weighted voting schemes, does not lead to a particularly fair form of government.
Under a complicated weighted voting scheme, the Republicans will no longer be able to pass routine budget measures without the votes of at least one Democratic member.
Thus this exception to the 14th Amendment was used to justify the Hawaiian voting scheme under objections based on the 15th Amendment.
Each device uses some voting scheme to determine whether or not to change state to its neighbor's state.
Players from both sides were primarily chosen by the public, through a voting scheme through the official NRL website.