Such events, little noticed by the broad voting public, can send important signals to political activists.
And my comment to Voice above referred to conservatives only, not to the general voting public.
He has stabilized its finances, but has not managed to make a significant impression with the general voting public.
They have a reliable core around 20% and a maximum around 30% of the American voting public.
But it said the figure had been arrived at through "honest error" and "there was no plot to deceive the general voting public."
All the previous years' top 3 finalists have also been male, leading to speculation of sexism against women among the Indian voting public.
The conflict in the film centers on Joe, a railroad switch operator who represents the American voting public.
Advocates of the current system argue that human electors would be in a better position to choose a suitable replacement than the general voting public.
The American voting public has always had to place its trust in local election officials to get the count right.