Although extremely upset, Bob comments that once the contestants told him how the previous night's voting proceeded, he understands why everyone wanted the ticket.
The voting in Albania's parliamentary elections, which many feared would be marred by extensive violence, proceeded more smoothly than expected today.
He also said that voting proceeded "in a calm and orderly way" and that "not a single incident or complaint was reported to us".
They added that "while the voting proceeded in an orderly fashion, the counting of the votes turned into a charade.
After a moment, the voting proceeded.
Party officials said that they were still studying the proposal but that they remained convinced that the voting should proceed as scheduled on March 19.
Campaigning by the two candidates has been severely restricted by rules intended to ensure that the voting would proceed with a minimum of conflict.
By early afternoon in Monrovia, there appeared to be a large turnout at the polls, and voting was proceeding without incident.
Unlike in New York, voting has proceeded, via e-mail.
The voting, a watershed in Namibia's transition to black majority rule, proceeded slowly.