The number of people disenfranchised amounts to approximately 2.42% of the otherwise-eligible voting population.
According to the Philippine general election, 2007s, it has a total voting population of 44,536 voters.
Only 34 percent of the total voting population re-elected Mr. Cardoso.
Approximately 60% of the eligible voting population participated in the elections.
But beyond that, the analysis of how the pieces of the female voting population shake down are often wildly at variance.
The two upper Manhattan districts at issue, Districts 71 and 72, both have a white voting population of about 18 percent.
According to the last general elections, it has a total voting population of 33,071 voters.
Women, generally, are the more reliable voting population of the two.
According to Soviet law, 3,369,000 out of an eligible adult voting population of 123,174,000 were disenfranchised for various reasons.
The total voting population of the parish is 500.