However, there is controversy over whether any voting option (or the underlying time constraints) undermines the ability of a consensus process to effectively resolve minority concerns.
But he said he wished that state law did not limit his voting options.
As a result, some New Yorkers will find only one name on the ballot, leaving them with no more voting options than North Koreans have.
The cyclical majority problem occurs when voters are faced with multiple voting options but cannot choose the option they prefer most, since it's not available.
People said they have not been complied with voting options and they didn't trust even the decisions of the Constitutional Court.
During her talk with Trizsa, the latter revealed his alliance with Jon and the voting options that they were planning.
I've tried to stay mum, so as to keep my voting options open, but it's hard for a guy brimming with opinions to be circumspect.
And some small-town whites say the plans may give blacks a seat, but interferes with the voting options of whites.
The straight-ticket voting option differs slightly from state to state.
Occasionally it is a legitimate voting option.