Nominations were open from 26 to 29 September, and voting occurred from 4 to 7 October.
Breakout sessions, consensus, and voting occurred to determine the Summit outcome.
The voting occurred on December 31, 2009 and the merger was approved.
The Liberals claimed multiple voting had occurred and that 165 people were not at the addresses they had provided.
The 2007 voting occurred from February 1 - May 31, 2007.
No voting occurred and all 20 songs progressed to the final.
The Constitution should be amended so that voting would occur on a weekend, perhaps over two days, and end at the same hour nationwide.
In the 1855 elections, voting occurred on a different day for each individual seat.
Under both systems the ballot paper is the same and voting occurs by ranking the candidates in order of preference.
The voting for the referendums occurred on June 3 and July 22, 1948.