Constituting 23 per cent of the voting electorate, this community tended to deliver a monolithic yea or nay.
The Civil Rights era across the South was the beginning of a turning point in the voting electorate for the Democratic Party.
Only 28% of the District was African-American according to the 1940 census, and was biased toward the young, making the voting electorate even smaller.
The election also furthered the shift of the African-American voting electorate away from the Republican Party, a phenomenon which had begun with the New Deal.
Furthermore, 43% of the voting electorate had voted for the Sandinistas, reflecting support for the overall goals of the former administration although not necessarily the results.
"Aware that working mothers with children under 10 comprise 8 percent of the voting electorate," Mr. Harris said, "more and more candidates are showing up at the office gates."
It's also a real bummer our elected public servants (allegedly) in Washington will ignore the voting electorate in favor of the telecom lobbyists.
After the Republican Convention, there will be a yearlong campaign, condensed for the primary voting electorate into a couple of weeks.
The only way that another Republican can win is with the entire voting electorate to have gone batty.
As of 2001, Hispanics were almost 38% of Houston's population and 8% of the city's voting electorate.