But "it depends" is not an answer when voters seek policy criteria on a life-and-death issue sure to face a future president.
Two-thirds of the population is under 30, and young voters are seeking more social and political freedoms.
These voters are now seeking honesty, not ideology from candidates.
If democracy means that voters seek self-interest, what happened?
According to Al Jazeera voters sought an increase in salaries, more jobs and ending graft as part of a campaign against corruption.
The election results showed that voters across the country sought to exorcise their sense of blighted hope by punishing incumbents.
Most experts on the territory are convinced that after two decades of repressive Indonesian rule, voters will seek independence.
The 224-to-196 vote followed a largely partisan debate over what kind of change the voters sought in November.
He said a more paternalistic, repressive government would be the wrong response to what the voters were seeking by voting for the opposition.
The only salient difference is that a voter will go and seek new information to form their "mental list," thus becoming more informed of the election.