Perhaps most voters will resent this partisan use of what was an American rather than Republican triumph in the gulf.
Republicans interpret the governor's weak poll numbers as a sign that voters resent having to pay for his mistakes and cozy relationships with political bosses and contributors.
This swells the ranks of conservatives, because most voters are not so motivated and resent politicians who make them feel guilty.
Mr. Lieberman said he realized that some voters resent his run for president because it took time away from the job voters elected him to do.
Besides, the voters resent that use of their taxes and have ample reason to mistrust the regulators of limits.
It may be that voters will resent the politicization of drugs and punish the Democrats for it.
If voters resent the fact that Mr. Perot has been available lately almost exclusively on his own paid programs, this is not yet reflected in the polls.
He seems to have no concern that the voters will resent it.
Although many voters resented the measures, Marlon Lara managed to win the elections.
But many voters still resent him for the tax increases and fail to give him credit for the clean and safe city streets.