In 1984, the voters re-elected a President who stands for lower taxes and reduced Government services.
On November 6, 1900, the voters re-elected McKinley, who took 51.7% of the popular vote, a slight increase from 1896.
Faced with evidence of Labor disunity, the voters re-elected the Bolte government.
Despite the dominance of environmental issues, Green parties made smaller gains than expected, as voters re-elected the center-right coalition that has governed since 1959.
While he was away at war, the voters of his district re-elected him to the Kentucky House; only thirteen votes were cast against him.
But by abstaining on Tuesday, conservative voters could effectively re-elect him.
His fellow members of Congress excluded him for assorted financial improprieties, but the voters thought otherwise and re-elected him.
They asked how public confidence had been eroded since even after the convictions, voters twice re-elected the men.
The voters of Maricopa County re-elected him in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012.
"We feel pretty certain that voters will look at John's achievements and overwhelmingly re-elect him," said George Hoffman, his chief of staff.