Most voters interviewed said that they were thinking of local issues, but that Mr. Bush was never far from their thoughts.
Some voters interviewed this week said they were comforted by the Bowers' open discussion of their problems.
Of a dozen voters interviewed Sunday, only two said they voted for the referendum, and only they agreed to give their names.
But most voters interviewed around Troy seemed unaware of those proposals.
Some other voters interviewed in Ann Arbor and Detroit acknowledged the spots have made a difference.
Half the voters interviewed for the exit poll said they cast their ballots with reservations about the man they were voting for.
Many voters interviewed today insisted that the campaign in South Carolina would not influence them.
This prompted a voter interviewed on television tonight to say that the seals who died in the North Sea last summer had been the biggest winners.
Most voters interviewed said they had not given much thought to the Presidential field in 1996.
But voters interviewed seem to share the same concerns: property taxes, education, high auto insurance rates and crime, in that order.