Through making more than one electoral choice, voters in a presidential system can more accurately indicate their policy preferences.
Now, black voters indicated in the poll, he would win 25 percent.
Typically parties prepare lists of candidates, and voters, either on a national or regional basis, indicate their preferences.
Unlike past referendums, the 1927 referendum was not a yes/no question - instead, voters indicated their support for either the first statement or the second.
The voters have indicated that this is a world they want, and the liberals have been told to shut up.
While impressions of the candidates seemed to be taking shape, voters indicated that they were far from having made up their minds.
The center column tracks when a voter indicates more than one choice at the same preference level.
For the first ballot each voter will indicate one choice from the candidates listed.
Some voters only indicated a first choice (plumping), and others did not utilize the full range available.
The politics of the future will be shaped by referenda in which voters directly indicate their policy choices.