It came like a thunderclap in November of 1994 when the voters handed the Congress over to Newt Gingrich and the Republicans.
The voters handed him a huge, unwelcome challenge by approving a measure to reduce class sizes in the state's public schools over the next eight years.
In placing Mrs. Gandhi at the doorstep of power last week, the Indian voters handed a double triumph to liberal values.
Gen. Henri Namphy now demands that voters hand their ballots directly to his soldiers.
In February, voters handed Mr. Mugabe his first political defeat since he became president 20 years ago.
In all, 6,686 voters in this sprawling county just north of Miami handed in ballots seemingly without marking a choice for president.
Last week, after 22 straight victories at the polls, voters handed him a defeat in his bid for another two-year term.
But voters handed the main opposition party significant gains.
At least one voter handed his ballot to another man, who put a check mark on the Alkhanov blank.
Given Mr. Bush's overall margin of victory, it can fairly be said that Florida's older voters handed him the presidency.