Hamilton County was formed in 1870 and voters elected to move the county seat to Aurora in 1875.
The Fire District is governed by a voter elected five-member board (per state statutes) which oversees operations and appoints the fire chief.
Minisink Valley's school district includes a voter elected and unpaid Board of Education that has duties regarding legal matters as well as policy review and implementation.
Mr. Schmitt has said it would be "obscene" for him to be presiding officer, since voters elected more Democratic legislators than Republicans.
The voters elected for the elective local posts in the city: the mayor, vice mayor, and eight councilors.
The resident voters elected for the elective local posts in the city: the mayor, vice mayor, the one congressman, and twelve councilors.
In the 1980s voters elected legislators from two districts, a smaller local district and a larger "floterial" district which often encompassed an entire region of the state.
In 2012 voters elected four Independent Councillors and three Labor councillors.
In 1913 voters elected Frank Rogers to the post of highway commissioner.
As concern persisted that the still disabled Brown could not discharge his duties in a full term, voters handily elected Robertson, 2,529 votes (59 percent) to 1,758 (41 percent).