Not only was the FPÖ publicly blamed for breaking the coalition and had lost Minister Grasser to the ÖVP, their style of government and broken promises also left many of their former voter disillusioned.
Mr. Suozzi said he would work to unite his party and to attract Republican voters disillusioned with theirs.
For these Communists association with the very word "Communist" has become the main obstacle to winning support from voters disillusioned with the pro-business policies of the Socialist Government.
A day earlier, The Times reported on Democratic concerns that black voters, disillusioned by voter suppression efforts and a pervasive belief that their votes will not be properly counted, may not turn out in the numbers that the party was hoping for.
In Chile, where the government is relatively clean and effective, voters disillusioned with politics are tempted to turn, for the first time, to women.
Mr. Clinton's accusation of obstructionism, issued as Congress prepared to leave town without a crowning achievement and with the midterm elections now little more than four weeks away, was meant to transfer blame to Republicans for inaction that polls indicate has left many voters disillusioned with Congress and with Washington in general.
That skittishness and the scathing tone of the campaign advertising have left many voters disillusioned.
The low turnout was caused by an opposition boycott, voters being disillusioned with politics, and poor weather conditions on polling day which resulted in 80 polling stations in mountainous areas being closed due to snow.
Similarly, Edmund G. Brown Jr. or Paul E. Tsongas would have offered something very different to voters disillusioned with Mr. Bush.