Nonetheless, voters there last December approved a bond issue to build its own high school rather than continue to send students out of district.
Black voters, both men and women, continued to vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
Though the Administration assured legislators that the public would eventually accept he tax package, voters continued to respond with rage.
But as long as Republicans offer no real alternatives on these Democratic issues, voters will continue to reject them.
And voters in some communities, like Neptune, which has had high taxes for years, continued a tradition of rejecting budgets.
But is this duplicity really the sole reason, or even the main one, that so many moderate voters continue to help elect conservatives?
The spending party must present a credible alternative for voters Continue reading...
Black legislators and civil rights groups say the suits ignore the reality that white voters continue to be reluctant to vote for blacks.
Unaffiliated voters can continue changing their registration until noon on the day before the primary.
The voters also continued a pattern of being averse to taxes, but amenable to higher state debt.