He has on several occasions been voted the athlete of the year in Thuringia.
Upon graduation in 1904, Davis was voted the "best all-around athlete" by his classmates.
Kilius was voted the German female athlete of the year in 1959.
On December 23, 2008, Lucia was voted the best Bosnian female athlete of 2008.
In June 1915, Kenan was voted the best athlete in Wesleyan's senior class.
In 1955, he was voted the second most important American athlete of the year.
In 2004, he was voted the most popular athlete from Montana in a Sports Illustrated poll.
In 1951 Falk was voted the male athlete of the year in Germany.
Sports Illustrated voted her the greatest female athlete of the 20th century.
I was a good high school football player, good at track and voted the most athletic and best all-around athlete.