"I don't see any reason why the yes vote would not prevail."
Mr. Pataki acknowledged early in the day that he did not have the votes to prevail.
Republicans say the anti-Clinton vote will prevail in the end and lead to a Lazio victory.
The "other" vote prevailed in 9 counties in the states of Georgia and Texas.
Democrats believe that they have the upper hand politically on environmental matters, even though they do not necessarily have the votes to prevail in Congress.
Yes, they can - because the Democratic leadership knows that the members secretly hope that their taxpayer-pleasing votes will not prevail.
The Republicans have the votes to prevail.
But neither side is sure it has the 60 votes to prevail against a filibuster promised by Democrats.
Opinion polls had indicated the negative vote would prevail in Quebec and one or two Western provinces.
Yet especially if the no vote prevails, transition to democracy can begin.