The House is believed to have the votes to overturn the ban, but the situation in the Senate is less certain.
"The Administration must feel confident they will soon have the votes to overturn Roe."
Judge Alito has himself espoused more activist views, notably his legally dubious vote to overturn a Congressional ban on machine guns.
But a parliamentary vote following pressure from domestic private enterpreneurs overturned the decision.
Act III: Congress lacks the votes to overturn the veto, and talks begin.
"It's anti-American to have one million people's votes overturned," Mr. Redmond said.
This vote overturned the "not approvable" recommendation from a Food & Drug Administration adivosry panel in 2006.
One sure vote to overturn: Thomas.
At a meeting of the British Amateur Athletic Board's Joint Standing Committee, a unanimous vote overturned the UKCCC's decision, with the result that the trial race was cancelled.
Recently, moreover, we saw that the decisive vote by the European Parliament overturned the agreement on the transfer of personal data on European citizens to the secret services and government of the USA.