I wouldn't vote for you on the grounds that you're evidently not too bright.
The issue exploded in the 1980s when tribal authorities excluded the freedmen from voting on the grounds that they weren't Cherokee by blood.
This is a man who refuses to vote for the Congressional Medal of Honor on the grounds that taxpayers' funds should be used to make the damned medal.
However, the Supreme Court again voted to dismiss the appeal, on the grounds that the case was not ripe.
Nauruans may not be deprived of the right to vote on the grounds of unsoundness of mind, nor due to being in gaol.
McCain voted against the Telecommunications Act of 1996, on the grounds that it would not ensure competition enough in practice.
He would not forget that the Radical leader, Édouard Daladier, even voted against the whole package, on the grounds that the Army was still too large.
On Dec. 23, the board voted 4 to 3 not to renew his contract, on the grounds that he had lost interest in his job.
Yet she would have us vote Labour on the grounds they are in someway preferable to the Tories.
Secondly, I voted in favour of Amendment 99 on the grounds that the Common Market Organisation for tobacco still exists and is in force.