Ending the practice of "empty-seat voting" by counting only votes of members who are present.
In 1947 Sindh joined Pakistan by vote of members of legislature.
The Fed now waits to disclose the votes of individual members until after the subsequent meeting, when it releases minutes of its deliberations.
A judge can be dismissed only by a unanimous vote of other members of the Court.
Actors' Society of America was dissolved by vote of members in 1912.
New teams may enter the competition only by a vote of current members; typically, a new place is put up for bid by would-be owners.
At the local churches, decisions are made by elected committees through vote of members.
The tribal chairman is the highest position of power and is elected by a popular vote of other members from the tribe.
Even unions now endorse Republicans, and they cannot guarantee the votes of members anyway.
All sides were starting to vie for the votes of new members who do not have a voting record on the issue.