Nobody has the right to cancel my vote by voting illegally.
The borders will be closed during the voting hours, officials said, to prevent candidates from paying foreigners to vote illegally.
In 1883 he took his seat and voted three times before being fined £1,500 for voting illegally.
He said the department would work with county elections supervisors after Election Day, if necessary, to determine whether convicted felons voted illegally.
In 1996, he was accused of having voted illegally from an address that prosecutors said he had used just to be eligible for the Council race.
The Giuliani campaign has been worried primarily about people voting illegally.
One particularly industrious constituent had been voting illegally since 1968, sometimes casting more than 20 ballots in an election.
Some may have gone to the wrong school, but others may have been trying to vote illegally, the officials said.
Salomons was fined £500 for voting illegally.
Now the charge is that perhaps 100,000 people, many of them immigrants, voted illegally in New York City.