The 1979 referendum on the Statute of Autonomy registered a voter turnout of 59.7%, of which 88.1% voted favorably.
Also voting favorably was Russell Feingold, a Wisconsin Democrat.
The Romanian Senate voted favorably on October 12, 2004 on the project.
In a plebiscite held on April 30, 1937, 447,725 women voted favorably for it, against 44,307.
France's Chamber of Deputies voted favorably on a confidence motion.
On April 17 the Joint Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee voted favorably, 36 to 3, on the modified building and job figures.
Four of the five commissioners must vote favorably for a license to be granted.
The latter voted favorably on the option in excess of 56%.
At that time, 89 percent of respondents voted favorably for the reinstatement of football.
In the last term, the Senate committee rejected a bill calling for total repeal of the exemption, but the House committee voted favorably on a limited-repeal bill.