"But this vote has created another siege by the world."
Under the Constitution, only a Congress can do that, and just a few weeks ago, such a vote would have created an enormous crisis.
But a favorable vote by the Assembly would create momentum for next year, and send a welcome message of tolerance.
A county wide public vote in 2009 created the elected position of School Board Chairman.
The vote would have created the largest union in American history, with 3.3 million members.
The vote created a parking lot and cost the restaurateur seeking the additional space for his customers' cars $15,000 in campaign costs.
A strong yes vote will create the certainty and stability that our country needs to continue on the road to economic recovery.
"This vote and the reaction of the government has created damage to Prodi's ability to last."
Today's vote concludes the legislative work and creates new opportunities.
We, and our votes, created it and are responsible for it.