Speedy Long, "just a Jena lawyer," vowed to vote far more conservatively on policy issues than Gillis Long had done in his one term in Congress.
As he had promised, Long voted conservatively in Congress, sometimes in line with the Republican leadership under the direction of a future president, Gerald Ford.
Congressman Holden had a composite score of voting conservatively during 54.5% of these roll-call votes.
In his first term, Alito voted fairly conservatively.
Despite the city's high percentage of Democrats, however, the city tends to vote conservatively on social issues, much like the rest of northern Orange County.
Whilst Queensland voted conservatively throughout the 60's, 70's and 80's, Coolum Beach has always voted Labor.
I'd normally vote conservatively.
Liberals have acted and voted conservatively so often that they have redefined the term "wimp."
Breed is a Methodist lay preacher and voted conservatively on issues such as homosexuality.
It is true that most income groups voted somewhat more conservatively this year than in 1992.