And she Looked more closely, and Saw that the only reason he was in control was that the voracious hunger was still sated.
As soon as I'd made that decision, my voracious hunger abated.
The Great Miscalculation was this: Because dissent by its nature is undirectable, a taste of freedom stimulates a voracious hunger for much more.
Like all the animals used that day, they had been starved to build a voracious hunger.
Further out though, the crown-of-thorns starfish is a considerable threat to the coral reef, because of its voracious hunger for the coral.
I saw all around me a voracious spiritual hunger, but the paleolithic mush served up by the church was neither nutritious nor appetizing.
She was trembling with voracious hunger and desperate to be filled.
That, same eerie, voracious hunger of the morning'before, except that today I was not going to make Pyotr do the cooking.
Eighty-five new phone lines were brought into the room to satisfy the group's voracious hunger for bandwidth.
As dieting progresses, the feeling hardens into voracious hunger; restlessness gives way to energy-conserving lethargy.