Some of the more voluptuous girls were in very brief out- fits for sunning, and the youths were in shorts.
And voluptuous girls aren't the only ones to benefit, for what woman hasn't worn that wonderfully comfortable 'borrowed from the boyfriend' look.
Shorty is a wiry little man who is crazy about voluptuous girls half his age.
A big, beautiful girl, both tall and voluptuous.
The lights caught her just before the truck did, a beautiful girl, naked and voluptuous and eager.
He leafed through his most recent sketchbook, which had drawings of barking dogs and voluptuous girls transformed into Burton characters.
The voluptuous young girl stirred restlessly on the rumpled bed.
Just then, a light knock sounded at the door, and a voluptuous girl with dark hair entered.
'But it was like trying to cram a very voluptuous girl into a very tight dress.'
A voluptuous black-haired girl stood there, her lustrous hair literally sparkling.