By Monday, more than 100 volunteers were searching for her in the poor neighborhood where she lived and worked.
The police and volunteers have been searching for three weeks for a retarded man who disappeared after walking out of his house in Queens.
Police and volunteers were still searching along the Nishi River to find the three missing highway workers.
She said the volunteers would walk 330 miles of Manhattan streets, visit 60 subway stations and search several parks in the survey.
The volunteers can search the opportunities and choose which ones suit them best.
For three days, as temperatures dipped into single digits, up to 350 volunteers searched for the boy.
While colleagues and volunteers searched for him, more earth slipped, killing another twelve.
The remaining staff and volunteers searched the shore, but had not found any further signs of him.
Officer Javick also helped organize volunteers to search for him.
Three volunteers searched through the mountains of unpacked clothing and after several hours, the ring emerged from a coat.