Vendors sell strawberries and ice cream, and volunteers organize carnival games for babies.
That has revived the spirits of Ms. Muenz, who volunteers each year to organize the event.
Since 1971, the Auxiliary volunteers have organized an annual craft show fundraiser with proceeds going to the refurbishment of the house.
They created a system to help volunteers organize accession records of the museum and catalogue the museum's collections.
The two men go to a bar where the local reservists and volunteers are organizing for war.
Otakuthon's staff and volunteers also organize events in Montreal other than the main annual convention.
In the early 1960s, volunteers organized an effort to protect Cascade Head from development.
The volunteers organize local tastings and create a "social dimension to membership."
Then in the campaign's final three weeks, anti-recall volunteers will go door to door and organize carpools for election day.
During church ceremonies, volunteers organized outside the church to feed residents who lost their homes.