FamilyLife consists of a volunteer network of more than 10,000 members.
However, they rely most heavily upon the efforts and support of extensive volunteer networks.
The volunteer network has over 4000 members in 90 countries between the ages of 18 and 35.
In whatever role, executive or tea boy, you will find a niche in the local volunteer network.
This volunteer network is the base for all operational needs of the event.
The house is run by a volunteer network, who run programs to share information and advocate on behalf of the community.
These higher expenses may reflect, among other things, the initial lack of a national volunteer network or big corporate sponsors.
The Phone Company is a volunteer network providing a free email-to-fax service.
The volunteer network was constructed over the last few years, as the organizers of the project persuaded members of Congress to support their effort.
The corps, once again independent, is working to increase its volunteer network to 10,000 people by 1992, from about 5,200 today.