Several other volunteers live inexpensively in a three-bedroom ranch house that the department bought several years ago.
Its volunteers live with poor people, teach and learn from them, and help them take the first small steps to change their situation.
Runs a Life Stay program in which volunteers live and work in an Akha village with a local family.
Thirdly, volunteers never live till pay day.
Other volunteers live in their own homes and participate in the work of JCA.
The Peace Corps closed ranks and disavowed its longstanding policy to make volunteers live by the laws of the countries they visited.
In summers, young volunteers live in guest houses.
The volunteers lived in Shanboganahalli for 2 months and during this time also delivered health and hygiene education to children in the village.
There, six volunteers at a time lived in a three-bedroom apartment for up to three months on a minutely monitored diet.
Many refugees here were able to recite by heart the city's military bases and the neighborhoods where foreign volunteers lived.