In growing, distributing, and eating this bounty, volunteers learn about sustainability first hand.
The volunteers follow the principal and learn about the challenges facing public educators and students.
But volunteers soon learn that putting out a fire or removing a victim from an automobile accident can be long, hard and risky work.
Both students and volunteers learned a bit about a world they never knew before.
The experts and the volunteers are learning as they go.
In doing so, volunteers learn from people in villages how to lead a good life despite a scarcity of resources.
The volunteers learn advanced plant science skills through at least 50 hours of classroom instruction.
Discomfort is a part of the business, and many volunteers quickly learn to accept it as an occupational hazard.
But when the volunteers learn that they can only work in the office, where 20 additional volunteers are needed, she said, "they don't come back."
These volunteers learn a lot about fire, and they in turn educate members of their families and communities.