Ninety-nine percent(99%) of KRUU's programs are locally produced by volunteer hosts who create 80 shows a week.
Locals still act as volunteer hosts, chaperones and food servers.
For example, geologists were among the first volunteers requested by Ghana, an early volunteer host.
It is managed by a small staff, along with over 150 volunteer hosts, producers, journalists and administrators.
Opportunity Description: Individual needed as volunteer host in a reservation ATV campground.
Hartsfield maintains a squad of volunteer hosts in red shirts or blouses who help passengers throughout the airport and a bicycle patrol trained to answer questions.
The volunteer hosts open their homes to disadvantaged children or ones with special physical or emotional needs for two weeks or more.
There are good, free mountain tours led by friendly volunteer hosts.
Eight communities along the route are chosen as volunteer hosts for the riders and their support staff.
For each improvisation Ms. Offutt will choose two volunteer hosts.