His role as a volunteer fund-raiser certainly was helped by the fact that he runs the lobbying operation and is chief spokesman for a Florida railroad.
A volunteer Republican fund-raiser convicted of covering up his role in an alleged campaign corruption plot was sentenced yesterday to five months in prison and five months of home arrest.
"All of our volunteer fund-raisers are an important part of the campaign," said Scott Stanzel, a campaign spokesman.
She is a volunteer fund-raiser for the Adolescent Health Alliance, a nonprofit organization in New York that promotes healthier lifestyles among teenagers.
Ms. Kurman, a volunteer fund-raiser for a local hospital, was along for the ride.
"I've looked forward to this, but it may be too complicated for an out-of-towner," said Ms. Newcomb, a volunteer fund-raiser for her Smith College class (1954).
Both described themselves as volunteer fund-raisers who sought to help qualified candidates and saw nothing unethical in asking clients to contribute.
Forget volunteer fund-raisers, visits to relatives, or reciprocal dinner invitations.
Mel Sembler, the Republican National Committee's finance chairman, said he had worked with Mrs. Dole to recruit someone to lead her campaign's committee of 180 volunteer fund-raisers.
But now, as a volunteer fund-raiser in Chicago, he is much more selective in making sales pitches.