On the 23d Lincoln and his men joined the French from Charleston, and volunteers from South Carolina flocked into their camp.
In this neighborhood and others, good Samaritans and volunteers flocked from miles around.
After the tsunami last December, volunteers flocked to Asia to help in the recovery effort.
Bamar volunteers flocked to the Burma Independence Army which fought several actions against British forces.
Despite the raging battle, volunteers from Aden flocked to the southern access to the base to pick up weapons and ammunitions.
Cuban advisers and volunteers flocked to help the new Nicaraguan Government in everything from health care to combat training.
Over the next weeks, volunteers flocked to Cortina's camps from both sides of the border.
More than 2,000 British volunteers flocked to fight the Fascists but 500 of them died and nearly all the survivors were wounded.
Although both DDI and DDC are promising, volunteers have not flocked to the clinical trials that can determine conclusively whether the drugs are effective.
Prospective volunteers flocked to the place, enticed by cold beer and the opportunity to join the new corps.