What really makes it tedious, the volunteers find, is that most drivers do not speed.
The Four volunteers set up a first aid station and found themselves in charge of running a refugee camp with over 3000 people.
Eventually, the volunteers also found the mystery tank in a storage room, but they still weren't quite sure what it was for.
Some foreign volunteers, however, had no military experience, and so found themselves in the latter category along with the Rhodesian teenagers.
The house was structurally sound, but the volunteers found plenty to do.
The former volunteers cannot find legal counsel and are representing themselves in court.
After a 35-day search, volunteers had found the body of the young girl.
The volunteers found that 27 percent of the phones were not in working order.
The volunteers may find themselves at the centre of an even more important discovery.
Since then, other volunteers have found their way to this project of global self-help.