The moves become mandatory as apartments become available, and voluntary transfers will be sought first.
Instead it is likely to rely on programs like magnet schools or voluntary transfers of blacks to white schools to achieve more racial balance.
Most involve the voluntary transfer of students across municipal boundaries.
No pending request for voluntary transfer to the fleet reserve.
The positions of 600 corrections employees at those 14 prisons would be eliminated through a hiring freeze, voluntary transfers and attrition, he said.
Delivery is the voluntary transfer of possession from one person to another, section 61.
Nor has the Commission adequately thought through the budgetary consequences of a voluntary transfer of this kind.
We are also going to examine the possibility of the voluntary transfer of refugees to a Member State other than the one which granted protection.
"Our contract provides for voluntary transfers, not involuntary transfers, so they have no right to do this."
After a voluntary transfer to the infantry, he was wounded twice more and invalided out of ground service in May 1916.