While voluntary resignations may be healthy for the members themselves, the effect on the institution is another matter.
If the local, for any reason lost its charter, even by voluntary resignation, all funds and properties would remain with the local.
"There is no other way than his voluntary resignation or elections."
The plan is to deploy the force just days after either an invasion or the voluntary resignation of Haiti's junta.
That is evident in the rate of voluntary resignations - people who resign to take new jobs, presumably at better pay.
This job may have been the Life Guards position, and the episode glossed for his children as a voluntary resignation.
The main reason for this voluntary resignation, so to speak, was the dire situation of the finances of the Republic.
The Yokohama laboratory is seeking voluntary resignations from 70 of the 110 researchers.
Still, something had to be done to assure an orderly succession in the event of the Governor's death, incapacity, or voluntary resignation.
There can be no voluntary resignation from technology.