In the Teen Anal Nightmare 2 case, for instance, Ford filed more than 70 separate voluntary dismissals of specific IP addresses as the case progressed.
On June 26, 2009, La Russa filed a notice of voluntary dismissal after the parties settled the case.
The appellant or the parties jointly must file a motion or stipulation of voluntary dismissal or other appropriate motion.
In the United States, voluntary dismissal in Federal court is subject to Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
On July 3rd, 2012, Carreon filed a notice of voluntary dismissal in his lawsuit against all parties without prejudice.
Case dismissed on June 17, 2010; voluntary dismissal and failure to show cause.
Carreon filed a notice of voluntary dismissal in his suit against all parties on July 3.
A nonsuit occurs where the plaintiff seeks voluntary dismissal of the case without prejudice prior to a resolution.
On 1 April 2010 Cirrus applied for a "voluntary dismissal" of the case against L3, before L3 had filed a response.
Grisman's attorneys requested voluntary dismissal of the suit.