If an applicant voluntarily reveals one's condition, the employer is only allowed to ask whether the employee requires any special accommodations, and if so, what types.
He is able to do this using a genetically engineered "empathy virus" which allows him to gain information from people if they voluntarily reveal something about themselves.
"And he had not acknowledged, had not voluntarily revealed it, and so there were connotations of not being candid," the official said.
CHENEY: Why would anyone voluntarily reveal information about their everyday activities?
With these words he voluntarily revealed the secret of his capability.
She felt certain that there was no way she would voluntarily reveal to anyone what had actually become of him.
But he would not voluntarily reveal the central truth of why his daughter presented herself to him staked out and naked.
Iran, which tried to hide most of its nuclear sites, voluntarily revealed Isfahan to international inspectors in 2000.
There was no need to voluntarily reveal weakness to a potential foe.
May an employer ask any follow-up questions if an applicant voluntarily reveals that he has or had cancer?