He was made to understand the error of his previous belief, and has voluntarily joined us.
I also think this agreement is necessary in the long term, so that developing countries can join voluntarily if they meet the standards required.
"If the son of Agamemnon has voluntarily joined your cause, why would you want to anger him?"
But like-minded institutions could voluntarily join together in developing them.
In 1944 she voluntarily joined the army and became a captain in those 27 months.
He voluntarily joined the German army which he remained in until the end of the war.
Several more men voluntarily joined Bligh rather than remain aboard.
From 1918 to 1920 he voluntarily joined soldiers in their internment so as to continue his pastoral care.
The individual will voluntarily join other individuals in a larger organization to manufacture some item, or build houses say.
Some women at the parties were prostitutes, but others who weren't joined in the sexual antics voluntarily.