Hussein's threats were hardly idle, and after the second gulf war, Obeidi voluntarily handed over the documents and parts he had secreted in his backyard to United States intelligence.
Deng voluntarily handed the reins to Mr. Jiang in the late 1980's and early 1990's, though he retained ultimate authority on many matters.
In 2002, Doug Munro, the founding director of jazz studies at Purchase who is still a faculty member there, voluntarily handed the reins of the department over to Dr. Coolman.
A RSPCA spokewoman said: "The RSPCA can confirm that this morning, a 20-year-old man from Ramsgate voluntarily handed himself into Margate Police Station and is now helping us with our enquiries.
In particularly traumatizing cases, migrants have been known to voluntarily hand themselves over to the National Institute of Migration (Spanish: Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM)) to be returned to their homelands.
The United States had not formally requested Mr. Sheikh's extradition, hoping that the Pakistani government would voluntarily hand him over, which was a greater possibility when there were no formal charges.
Perhaps worst of all, the report finds that the FBI sent over 700 "exigent letters" to three unidentified telephone companies requesting them to expedite the process by voluntarily handing over customer data without waiting for a formal subpoena or NSL.
On 18 March 2013 he voluntarily handed himself into the U.S. Embassy in Rwanda asking to be transferred to the International Criminal Court.
So long as users are handing over that information voluntarily, we see no problem with trying to save a little coin, even if it does mean that someone at a marketing firm far, far away knows I was lurking near the local "adult shop" that one day.
But what worries me is this: How often do you see people voluntarily handing power back these days?